Business model

Offer superior food experiences and innovate always

We commit to the highest quality and food safety standards. We stand for sustainably sourced ingredients; for naturality and transparency; and for simple recipes and clean labels. Supported by strong innovation capabilities, we believe these are key fundamentals to create superior food experiences for people, as this will remain the first driver of healthier and more sustainable choices.

Offer superior food experiences and innovate always

We commit to the highest quality and food safety standards. We stand for sustainably sourced ingredients; for naturality and transparency; and for simple recipes and clean labels. Supported by strong innovation capabilities, we believe these are key fundamentals to create superior food experiences for people, as this will remain the first driver of healthier and more sustainable choices.

Offer superior food experiences and innovate always

We commit to the highest quality and food safety standards. We stand for sustainably sourced ingredients; for naturality and transparency; and for simple recipes and clean labels. Supported by strong innovation capabilities, we believe these are key fundamentals to create superior food experiences for people, as this will remain the first driver of healthier and more sustainable choices.

Danone koos in 1972 al voor een tweesporige strategie die moest bijdragen aan het welzijn van mens en milieu. Na de eeuwwisseling besloten we onze strategie aan te sluiten op de Duurzaamheidsdoelen van de Verenigde Naties, een ambitie die terugkomt in onze slogan ‘One Planet. One Health’. En vandaag sluit Danone Zuivel Nederland zich aan bij 20 andere B CorpTM gecertificeerde Danone entiteiten over de hele wereld waarmee we gezamenlijk 30% van de wereldwijde omzet vertegenwoordigen. Zo is Danone een stap dichterbij de ambitie om medio 2030 één van de eerste B CorpTM gecertificeerde multinationals ter wereld te worden.

Af en Toetje Vanilleyoghurt met knispersterren

Per 100g
per cup(120g)
%RI* (120g)
Energie (kJ)
Energie (kcal)

* Referentie-inname van een gemiddelde volwassene (8400 kJ/2000 kcal)

Actimel Original

Per 100g
per cup(120g)
%RI* (120g)
Energie (kJ)
Energie (kcal)

* Referentie-inname van een gemiddelde volwassene (8400 kJ/2000 kcal)

Western Europe

Central & eastern Europe


"*" indicates required fields

YYYY dash MM dash DD
YYYY dash MM dash DD
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